The paper submission is closed. The received papers are under review.
Notifications to authors of the refereeing outcome will be sent out on May 1, 2011.
Authors of accepted papers were requested to upload their final manuscript to EDAS by May 31, 2011 at 11:59pm Eastern Time (New York, USA). Detailed instructions are provided below and in the acceptance notification.
Please contact Technical Program Co-Chairs for any information regarding the submission and review processes:
Preparation of Final manuscript
Authors are encouraged to use LaTex to format their final manuscripts, using the standard IEEE conference specifications.
Final manuscripts should not exceed 5 pages in length, should use font size no smaller than 10 points, and have reasonable margins on all the 4 sides of the text. Papers should have no page numbers and no headers or footers. The top and bottom margins should be at least 0.5 inches to leave room for page numbers. All fonts should be embedded in the pdf file. The system will not accept upload of final manuscripts longer than 5 pages.
Remember to NOT include a sentence at the beginning of the abstract of final manuscript saying the paper is eligible for the student paper award.
Upload of Final manuscript
Please note the following:
Note that the EDAS site is managed independently of the ISIT home page, and the webmaster of the ISIT home page is not in a position to assist with submission or EDAS-related problems. Any queries regarding the submission procedure or other aspects of the EDAS web site operation should in the first instance be directed to Your e-mail should have "EDAS submission problems" in the subject line and should document as much as possible about your particular submission problem.
Presentation time is critical. Each accepted paper is allocated 20 minutes for oral sessions. We recommend that presentation of your slides should take about 17-18 minutes, leaving 2-3 minutes for introduction, summary, and questions from the audience. A computer-driven slideshow for use with a data projector is recommended for your talk at ISIT. All presentation rooms will be equipped with a computer, a data projector, a microphone (for large rooms), a lectern, and a pointing device.
Accepted papers will be published in full (up to five pages in length) on Flash drives, and will also be made available on IEEEXplore.